About Project Preparation Trust
Project Preparation Trust of KwaZulu Natal (PPT) has a track record of 30 years in successfully preparing and managing a wide range of pro-poor developmental projects for disadvantaged communities and in mobilizing capital funding and other resources for them.
PPT works closely with communities, various spheres of government, donor funders and other civil society organizations in achieving this objective. PPT innovates and promotes improved development practices and methodologies by learning from its extensive project-level experience.
PPT’s approach to development is participative, systematic and holistic. Over and above its project work, PPT also undertakes policy and strategy work as well as training and capacity building on a targeted basis.
- Providing project preparation support to communities, funders, all spheres of government and other development stakeholders.
- Obtaining and managing funding for project preparation.
- Unlocking capital and other resources for project implementation.
- Mainstreaming project preparation.
- Promoting good practice, including holistic and sustainable development as well as the development and dissemination of replicable development methodologies.
- Transferring preparation and other developmental skills to government and other stakeholders.
Newlands Mashu Permaculture Learning Centre, SaveAct, Development Action Group, Afesis Corplan, Built Environment Support Group, Planact and others.
eThekwini Metro, various Departments of Human Settlements (National, KZN, E Cape W Cape), many municipalities in several provinces, various Provicial Departments of Social Welfare (KZN, E Cape W Cape), Housing Development Agency, National Upgrading Support Programme and others.
PPT works with too many professional service providers to mention them all. They include engineers, town planners, local economic development experts, social facilitators, environmental and geotechnical consultants, and agricultural experts. Many of these service providers have a long association with PPT and have contributed much to the organisation’s achievements.
In many instances the projects with which PPT is involved are innovative pilots, which test new and improved development solutions and approaches. In many instances, these are potentially replicable and have been documented and disseminated by PPT (refer also to PPT Schedule of Replicable Models and the ‘Knowledge Resources’ section of this website). Examples of some of the areas in which PPT has had impact in this regard include:
- A rigorous and systematic project preparation methodology applicable to all projects.
- Detailed toolkits for the preparation of developmental responses for informal settlements.
- Detailed toolkits for the preparation of seven key types of infrastructure projects (sewer treatment upgrades, water treatment upgrades, bulk water supply, water reticulation, bulk access roads, landfill sites, rural sanitation).
- Participative pro-poor local economic action planning.
- The preparation of special needs housing projects.
PPT maintains high standards of financial accounting and control, as expected of an organization responsible for managing funds from third parties such as donors. PPT operates according to a strict set of written financial controls that govern all financial activities including those relating to projects. In terms of its organizational (operating) finances, PPT is audited annually in terms of applicable South African legislation. PPT has a clean audit history in this regard with 26 successive unqualified audits since its establishment. PPT is in addition also audited on a regular basis in terms of various specific donor funding agreements and it likewise has a clean audit history in this regard (e.g. Jobs Fund, USAID, EU Gijima, etc.).