Housing and Infrastructure

This programme has been a core PPT programme since its establishment in 1993. It is a large and complex programme with many constituent sub-programmes and project typologies which deliver various forms of housing and infrastructure to disadvantaged communities at scale. Where funding and other conditions permit, PPT at the same time promotes non-infrastructural development (e.g. livelihoods, economic development, fruit trees) in order to enable more integrated and sustainable development.

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Capital funding approvals secured:
Rand value: 555,882,879
Number of projects: 32
Number of households: 40,011
Projects under preparation:
Rand value: 807,634,455
Number of projects: 27
Number of households: 86,447

The programme includes the following elements:

  • Low income housing (basic starter homes) and associated settlement planning (mainly for informal settlement upgrading but also on green-fields or rural projects).
  • Basic infrastructure for urban, peri-urban and rural settlements (e.g. water supply, sanitation, road access).
  • Bulk infrastructure (e.g. bulk water supply, sewer mains, sewer and water treatment upgrades).